Downtown Chorus

The most vibrant, diverse and dynamic community based chorus in the heart of downtown New York City

Registered Members

There are currently 27 registered members.

Kaba, BentouAlto
Myers, CathyAlto
Grant, ShelleyAlto
Estime, EdelineAlto
Dunkley, Paula-GayAlto
Cheung, MayAlto
Cheng, LoisAlto
Brener, YolandaAlto
Taiani, DinaAlto
Yakoubian, Mary BethAlto
Lee, JoAnnAlto
Figueroa, JustinaBass
Harrison, RamsiBass
Hubbard, WillBass
McAlpin, MikeBass
Santos, JoseBass
Pedersen, JamesBass
Stepanova, NinaSoprano
Daniello, Jasmina MadisonSoprano
Delaney, SamantaSoprano
Hui, RoslynSoprano
Lau, AngelSoprano
Tlachino, NancySoprano
Palaquibay, OrionTenor
Le, DeLongTenor
Guzman, IvanTenor
Liang, ShengTenor